RAG, Embeddings and Vector Search with Google BigQuery

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Google BigQuery is a phenomenal Data Warehouse. With it's serverless architecture and Googles first-class scaling capabilities, it's a great choice for storing and querying large datasets.

At the same time, more recently vector databases were all the rage as you need them to implement semantic search. Our take on vector databases is, that they are great, but you certainly only need a specialized database for vectors if you don't already have a database at all. If you already have any sort of database in use, just use the vector extensions of them - almost any database provides them. Postgres has pgvector, CrateDB has vector support, Elastic Search as well and even DuckDB has them.

But what about BigQuery? Obviously Google couldn't just sit still and watch, so they naturally added vector support as well.

That's what we are going to look at today. We will demonstrate the vector data type, show how create vectors from your texts and how to query them.

One very neat feature of BigQuery is, that you can use AI models directly from your database, without needing additional infrastructure. Very similar to what Timescale created with their pgai extension for postgres. We'll also show how to use that feature.

Preparation: Install the required dependencies

1pip install google-cloud-bigquery langchain==0.2 langchain-community==0.2 langchain-text-splitters==0.2 pypdf

Preparation: Creating a table in BigQuery with sample text data

First things first, let's create ourselves a dataset which we can use for this demo.

  1. Download our demo pdf document from our website

  2. Use LangChain to extract the text from the pdf and chunk it into smaller pieces. After this, we have chunks of texts with ~1500 characters each. Each chunk will represent a row in BigQuery.

    1from langchain_community.document_loaders import PyPDFLoader
    2from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
    3loader = PyPDFLoader("public/demo-docs/HypotheticalMachine.pdf")
    4text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(
    5 chunk_size=1500,
    6 chunk_overlap=200,
    7 )
    8documents = loader.load_and_split(text_splitter)
  3. Next, with your browser, navigate to the Google BigQuery console and create an empty dataset and table.

    Create a new datasetCreate a new dataset

    Give your dataset a name, select the region you want to deploy the dataset to and click "Create Dataset".

  4. Now, we only want to add a timestamp and the text for now, the embeddings will be added later on. To do, we reformat our documents and save them as csv.

    1 import csv
    2 from datetime import datetime
    3 import os
    4 current_timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    6 content = [doc.page_content for doc in documents]
    8 with open("internalonly__blog_bq_test.csv", 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
    9 csv_writer = csv.writer(csvfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
    10 for string in content:
    11 csv_writer.writerow([current_timestamp, string])
  5. In this newly created BigQuery dataset, add a new table:

    Create a new tableCreate a new table

    For the table, select "Upload" in the "Create table from" give it a name, and add the following columns in the "Schema" section:

    • timestamp: TIMESTAMP
    • text: STRING

    Table settingTable setting

    In the "Select file" section, upload the csv file you created in the previous step.

    Optionally, set partitioning and clustering as for any other BigQuery table.

    In the "Advanced options" section, make sure to select "Quoted newlines", otherwise line breaks in your text will break the import.

    Table advanced optionsTable advanced options

    Click on "Create Table" to finish the process. This will upload the csv file and insert the data into the table.

    Note: The BigQuery csv upload is quite sensitive. Make sure, youre csv file does not contain headers and that your csv file uses the "quote all" option as shown above.

    Navigate to the "Preview" tab of the table to check if the import was successful.

    Preview imported dataPreview imported data

  6. Now that we have our data in BigQuery, let's add an empty column for the embeddings. Embeddings in BigQuery are stored as simple float arrays.

    That's the important part: embeddings in BigQuery are simply stored as an array of floats. This makes them also quite versatile, as you are not limited to a specific vector size.

    In the "Schema" tab, click on "Edit Schema" and add a "REPEATED" "FLOAT" column called "embeddings", as shown below:

    Add embeddings columnAdd embeddings column

Preparation: Create BigQuery connection to remote AI models

Now that we have some data available, we want to create embeddings.

Note that you could simply use any embedding model - eg. the OpenAI embedding models - to create the vectors and insert them into the embeddings column.

However, we're going to use a more convention method - we'll use BigQuery ML to use an embedding model right from our BigQuery console using just plain SQL.

BigQuery currently allows the following embedding models to be used:

As for most cases, the LLM-based approaches provide better quality and are easier to use, we'll stick with them.

  1. In your BigQuery console, click the "+Add" button on the top-left. Then click "Connections to external data sources".

    Create external connectionCreate external connection

  2. In the next screen, select "Vertex AI remote models, remote functions and BigLake" as "Connection type". Set a connection id, select your region and click "Create Connection".

    Create connection to a remote modelCreate connection to a remote model

  3. In the grey popup, click on "Go to connection". Note down the service account id for this connection.

    Connection service account idConnection service account id

  4. Next, we'll need to equip bespoke service account with some permissions. Go to the IAM page, click "GRANT ACCESS". In the next screen, add the noted down service account id in the "New principals" field and select "Vertex AI User" for the "Role". Click on "Save".

    Grant Permissions to service accountGrant Permissions to service account

  5. Finally, in your BigQuery console, run the following query:

    1CREATE OR REPLACE MODEL `blog_bg_vector.embedding_model`
    2REMOTE WITH CONNECTION `eu.blog-bq-external-model`
    3OPTIONS (ENDPOINT = 'text-embedding-004');

    Please change the following terms as for your configuration:

    • blog_bg_vector: Name of the dataset (not table!)

    • eu: Name of the location of your external data source connection

    • blog-bq-external-model: Name of the external data source connection

    Note: text-embedding-004 is the name of the Google embedding model to use.

    After running this query, the model will be available for use. You can see the created embedding model as a sub-object under your BigQuery dataset:

    Embedding Model in BigQuery consoleEmbedding Model in BigQuery console

Create embeddings with BigQuery

Now that we have ourselves an embedding model available, let's add embeddings to the text data we imported.

We can do all of the embedding creation from within the BigQuery console.

The neat thing about BigQuery ML is, that you can interact with models just by using SQL. In our case, we want to UPDATE the embeddings columns with our text embeddings. So, let's craft an UPDATE statement doing just that:

1-- Update our table. Change dataset.table according to your configuration
2UPDATE `blog_bg_vector.blog_bq_embeddings` t
3-- We just want to change the embeddings column
4SET t.embeddings = e.ml_generate_embedding_result
7 -- Call the BigQuery ML embedding generation
9 -- ml_generate_embedding_result is the actual array of floats as result
10 -- of the embedding process
11 ml_generate_embedding_result,
12 -- we also get the actual text content back, so we can use it for
13 -- updating our table.
14 content
16 -- select the previously created model, by dataset.model_name
17 MODEL `blog_bg_vector.embedding_model`,
18 -- We need to pass the text column from our original table
19 (
21 -- GENERATE_EMBEDDING requires the actual text column to be called 'content'
22 text as content
23 FROM `blog_bg_vector.blog_bq_embeddings`
24 -- we only want to update embeddings for rows which don't have embeddings already
25 WHERE LENGTH(text) > 0 AND ARRAY_LENGTH(embeddings) = 0
26 )
27 )
28 WHERE LENGTH(ml_generate_embedding_status) = 0
29) e
30WHERE t.text = e.content;

Note: ml_generate_embedding_output contains errors if there are any. An empty ml_generate_embedding_output means no errors. Therefore we are checking for LENGTH(ml_generate_embedding_status)=0

After running the query, we can check if the embeddings are updated as planned. Navigate to the "Preview" pane of your table.

Preview of created embeddingsPreview of created embeddings

Querying embeddings with BigQuery

For the sake of completeness, let's find out, how we can use vector similarity search to find texts which are semantically similar to a search query.

BigQuery provides a function VECTOR_SEARCH for doing that.

2 {TABLE base_table | base_table_query_statement},
3 column_to_search,
4 TABLE query_table
5 [, query_column_to_search => query_column_to_search_value]
6 [, top_k => top_k_value ]
7 [, distance_type => distance_type_value ]
8 [, options => options_value ]

Let's say we want to:

  • search for "How to maintain the machine"
  • get the 4 most similar docs
  • use cosine similarity

our query would look as follows:

3 (SELECT * from `blog_bg_vector.blog_bq_embeddings`
4 -- You can pre-filter your query here, eg. for rows of specific users
5 -- WHERE some-clause
6 ),
7 'embeddings',
8 (SELECT ml_generate_embedding_result, content AS query
10 MODEL `blog_bg_vector.embedding_model`,
11 (SELECT 'How to maintain the machine' AS content))
12 ),
13 top_k => 4,
14 distance_type => 'COSINE')

Please note that you can easily pre-filter your data by simply adding a WHERE clause to the very first function parameter.

This query will return the text-embedding of the search query, the distance to each of the individual rows as well as any column included in the first parameter SELECT statement. So, you not only get the distance and text of the rows, but any of the metadata accompanying them.

Results of vector searchResults of vector search

Creating a vector search index

The retrieval query above did not use any index, which might be slow in production scenarios.

Therefore, BigQuery offers two types of indexes :

  • IVF Index: IVF is an inverted file index, which uses a k-means algorithm to cluster the vector data, and then partitions the vector data based on those clusters

  • TreeAH Index: TreeAH is a type of vector index that uses Google's ScaNN algorithm.

    The ScaNN algorithm is one of the fastest and most efficient search algorithms out there. However, it has one significant drawback: As of time of this writing, TreeAH indexes do not support pre-filtering. So, if you want to filter your data before running the vector search, using a WHERE clause, you are out of luck.

We suggest to use IVF indexes for use cases below 10 Million rows, and TreeAH indexes for larger datasets.

Creating an index once again is just an SQL query away:

1CREATE VECTOR INDEX blog_bq_vector_index ON
3-- dataset.table(column_with_embeddings)
6OPTIONS(distance_type='COSINE', index_type='IVF', ivf_options='{"num_lists": 100}');

The num_lists parameter defines how many lists the IVF algorithm creates. The IVF algorithm divides the whole data space into a number of lists equal to num_lists, with data points that are closer to each other being more likely to be put on the same list. If this is small, you have fewer lists with more data points, while a larger value creates more lists with fewer data points.

As a general rule of thumb: If you have many vectors which are rather similar to each other, you have many larger lists. Set num_lists to a smaller value. If you have many vectors which are rather different from each other, you have many smaller lists. Set num_lists to a larger value.

Creating an index might take some time - you can check progress with - you guessed id - another SQL statement:

1SELECT table_name, index_name, index_status,
2coverage_percentage, last_refresh_time, disable_reason
4FROM `<your-project-id>.blog_bg_vector.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VECTOR_INDEXES`

That being said: BigQuery only allows to create indexes on tables with at least 5000 rows (as for low row counts, the 'brute force' search is faster and/or the index can't be created efficiently). Therefore, if your dataset is smaller than 5000 rows, don't bother with creating an index.

However, if you have more than 5000 rows, make sure to create an index, as this will speed up your queries significantly.

Now that we have our index (or not, if we have too little rows), how to use it during query time? Easy, do not bother at all - BigQuery will automatically use the index if it is available.

Retrieval Augmented Generation with BigQuery

In the introductions above, we've seen how to index our text data, how to retrieve these indexes using vector similarity search and how to add an index to make this whole ordeal fast.

Actually this is almost all we need to implement a simple, but quite powerful Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) process - fully on top of BigQuery. Without ever needing to set up additional infrastructure for the indexing and retrieval part of RAG.

Creating a remote text generation model

The only missing part for a RAG pipeline is the "Generation" part - meaning the part were the search results are observed by a text generation LLM and an answer is provided based on these search results.

Similar to how we created a remote embedding model, let's create a remote text generation model.

1CREATE OR REPLACE MODEL `blog_bg_vector.blog_bq_text_model`
2 REMOTE WITH CONNECTION `eu.blog-bq-external-model`
3 OPTIONS (ENDPOINT = 'gemini-1.5-flash-001');

Make sure to change blog_bg_vector to your dataset name, as well as eu.blog-bq-external-model to your location and external connection id, as specified in the chapters above.

The ENDPOINT option defines, which model we want to use. We are currently big fans of Gemini 1.5 flash due to its enormously attractive pricing, extremely fast inference and overall quite good quality.

After the query is done, you have a new remote model available, named blog_bq_vector.blog_bq_text_model.

Putting all together: Full retrieval augmented generation process with Google BigQuery

Ok, finally we have everything we need. Summarizing, during retrieval in RAG, we:

  1. Retrieve similar texts as compared to our search query
  2. Send these similar texts as context to our LLM
  3. The LLM provides a final answer, based on this context and the search query

Amazingly enough, all 3 points can be implemented using a single SQL statement:

1-- 3. Invoke the LLM and return the generated text as well as the prompt for further inspection
2SELECT ml_generate_text_llm_result AS generated, prompt
4 MODEL `blog_bg_vector.blog_bq_text_model`,
5 (
6 -- 2. Create a prompt for the LLM
8 'You get a user question as well as some context to answer this question. Please provide an answer from the provided context',
9 'Only use the data from the context to answer. If you dont know the answer, answer with "I dont know"',
11 FORMAT("Context: %s", base.text),
12 ',\n'),
13 FORMAT("User question: %s", max(query.query))
14 ) AS prompt,
16 (SELECT * from `blog_bg_vector.blog_bq_embeddings`
17 -- You can pre-filter your query here, eg. for rows of specific users
18 -- WHERE some-clause
19 ),
20 'embeddings',
21 (
22 -- 1. Retrieve similar vectors, using the embedding model
23 SELECT ml_generate_embedding_result, content AS query
25 MODEL `blog_bg_vector.embedding_model`,
26 (SELECT 'How to maintain the machine?' AS content)
27 )
28 ),
29 top_k => 5,
30 distance_type => "COSINE",
31 options => '{"fraction_lists_to_search": 0.01}')
32 ),
33 -- define options for LLM text generation
34 STRUCT(2048 AS max_output_tokens, TRUE AS flatten_json_output));

As this query is a little more complex, let's break it down. See the comments in the SQL statement for reference. The statement has to be read from inside to outside. The inner-most parts are executed first.

  1. We retrieve similar vectors, using the embedding model. This is literally the same process as described in the chapters above. After this step, we have 5 documents which are semantically similar to our user query, which is How to maintain the machine?.

    We set the following options:

    • top_k: Sets the number of similar documents we want to retrieve, ordered by most similar.

    • distance_type: Type of vector search to use.

    • fraction_lists_to_search: Number between 0 and 1. Defines, the percentage of index lists to search. Specifying a higher percentage leads to higher recall and slower performance, and vice versa.

  2. Next, we create a prompt from our retrieved documents. For that, we use the BigQuery SQL functions STRING_AGG, which simply combines all the string values of the returned rows and separates them by \n - and the CONCAT, which simply concatenates strings together.

  3. And last but not least, we use the ML.GENERATE_TEXT function to talk with our LLM. Under the hood, the prompt is sent to the LLM, and an answer is provided as ml_generate_text_llm_result, which we rename to generated. Additionally, the prompt is returned as well - which is nice to debug our models answer.

    We set the following options:

    • max_output_tokens: How many answer tokens should the LLM provide? Important for cost control

    • flatten_json_output: if set true returns a flat understandable text extracted from the LLM response. Recommended to set to true.

After running the query, we get these results:

BigQuery RAG resultsBigQuery RAG results

To be honest, this looks very very promising. Even though the SQL query above looks a bit convoluted - we just implemented a basic RAG pipeline with 30 lines of code or so - without needing any additional infrastructure!

Pricing considerations

As a final note, let's talk pricing. There are multiple components defining the final price:

  1. The good news: There is no additional costs for the index creation. Only for the index storage itself, which is priced by bytes stored for the normal BigQuery storage rates

  2. You pay for any BigQuery query, as per the normal BigQuery analytics pricing

  3. You pay for each AI invocation. The pricing for the AI models is as follows:

So, what's the real cost? As always with BigQuery it's hard to tell upfront. Best is to navigate to the "Details" tab of your BigQuery table to see the current storage costs, and use the query run estimation in the BigQuery console for analytics costs.

BigQuery analytics cost estimateBigQuery analytics cost estimate

Note: While it's always a hassle to calculate actual BigQuery costs, the vector search pricing as well as the AI model pricing is highly competitive. According to our experience, the total costs are remarkably low.


To wrap up, Google's addition of vector support to BigQuery bridges the gap between traditional data warehousing and modern AI-driven applications. By embedding, indexing, and querying vectors directly within BigQuery, you can streamline complex workflows and eliminate the need for separate, specialized infrastructure.

This approach enables us to use AI tools, such as embedding models and LLMs, directly through SQL, making advanced capabilities more accessible within our existing data ecosystem.

Moreover, the competitive pricing structure ensures that even as you scale, costs remain predictable and manageable. BigQuery's vector capabilities provide a solid foundation for integrating AI into any data operation, making it a valuable asset for organizations looking to tap their feet into AI applications.

Further Reading


Interested in how to train your very own Large Language Model?

We prepared a well-researched guide for how to use the latest advancements in Open Source technology to fine-tune your own LLM. This has many advantages like:

  • Cost control
  • Data privacy
  • Excellent performance - adjusted specifically for your intended use
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